The purpose of this registry is to create the first centralized, comprehensive database of knee OCD cases to act as a platform for future studies on OCD, providing ROCK institutions with a large database including the different types of OCD lesions and variables associated with the disease characteristics, course of treatment and healing, and long term follow up. Projects stemming from analysis of information collected in the registry will help develop better understanding of the disease and its causes, progression, and the best treatment patients with OCD can receive based on their history and lesion characteristics.

PC Essential Study Documents:

Manual of Operations v. 5.0 | Tracked Version

Informed Consent | Tracked Version

Child Assent | Tracked Version

Protocol | Tracked Version

PC Case Report Forms:

Form 1: Screening and Eligibility

Form 2A: Baseline Questionnaire – Adult

Form 2B: Baseline Questionnaire – Child 

Form 2C: Baseline Questionnaire – Surgeon

Form 3: Surgery Form 

Form 4A: Follow Up – Adult

Form 4B: Follow Up – Child

Form 4C: Follow Up – Surgeon

Form 4D: Adverse Event

Form 5: Closeout 

REDCap Database:

REDCap Login Page

Study Updates:

2018, February (Annual Meeting)

2017, July (AOSSM)

2017, January (Annual Meeting)

2016, October 

2016, May

2016, March (AAOS)

2016, July 

2011 – 2015


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