PRiSM Pediatric Research in Sports Medicine Society
PRiSM is a multi-disciplinary group for those providing to young athletes. Our group recognizes the importance of collaboration, and is inclusive of ATCs, PTs, NPs, PA’s, PhD., and M.D.s.

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Phone: (513) 636-4785

Scottish Rite for Children Sports Medicine
Phone: 469-515-7222

Rady Children’s Hospital
Phone: (858) 966-6789

Penn Sports Medicine Center, University of Pennsylvania
Phone: 1-800-789-7366

The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Phone: (215) 590-1000

PRISM Sports Medicine
Phone (860) 421-3233

Akron Children’s Hospital Department of Orthopedics
Phone: (330) 543-4668

Stanford Children’s Hospital
Phone: 650-723-5243

Connecticut Children’s Sports Medicine
Phone: (860) 837-9220

Children’s Health Andrew’s Institute
Phone: (469) 303-3000

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
Phone: 404-255-1933

Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
Phone: 414-607-5280

Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Phone: 613-737-7600

The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Phone: (215) 590-1000

Tennessee Orthopaedic Alliance
Phone: (615) 383-2693

Children’s Medical Center Plano
Phone: (469) 303-3000

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
Phone: 404-255-1933

Rady Children’s Hospital and UC San Diego
Phone: (858) 966-6789

University of Minnesota
Phone: 612-624-1500

Hospital for Special Surgery
Phone: (212) 606-1996

Hospital for Special Surgery
Phone: 212-606-1631

Boston Children’s Hospital
Phone: (617) 355-6000

National University of Singapore
Phone: (656) 772-4331

Boston Children’s Hospital
Phone: (617) 355-6000

Mayo Clinic
Phone: 507-284-489

Children’s Mercy Kansas City
Phone: (816) 234-3075

Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
Phone: (414) 337-7325

Children’s Hospital Colorado
Phone: 720-777-3898

Boston Children’s Hospital
Phone: (617) 355-6000

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Phone: (513) 636-1246

University of Minnesota
Phone: (612) 672-7422

Washington University School of Medicine
Phone: (314) 514-3500

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Phone: (513) 636-0517

Rady Children’s Hospital and UC San Diego

Cleveland Clinic
Phone: 216-518-3473

University of Minnesota/TRIA Orthopaedic Center
Phone: (952) 977-0460

S. California Physician Medical Group, Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles
Phone: (800) 954-8000

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
Phone: 404-255-1933

Scottish Rite for Children Sports Medicine
Phone: 469-515-7222

Washington University School of Medicine
Phone: (314) 514-3500